6.2. Roles

You can create different roles based on predefined sets of permissions/rights. After installation, you will only see the Admin role, but can add new roles as needed.

The following Rights can be configured:




Right: User has administrative rights

Audit Log

Right: User can access Audit Logs

Manage ASGARDs

Rights: Adding, Removing and Updating ASGARDs

Manage Agents

Rights: Adding, Removing and Updating Agents

Manage Asset Columns

Rights: Adding, Removing and Updating Columns

Manage Assign Rules

Rights: Adding, Removing and Updating Assign Rulesets

Manage CSV Templates

Rights: Adding, Removing and Updating CSV Templates

Manage Tasks

Rights: Adding, Removing and Updating Tasks

Read Only

Restriction: User can only read


Restrictions overwrite permissions. If you set Read Only for a Role, all users in the group will be restricted to read-only, regardless of other permissions in the same role.